I found this particular specimen in the closet of my best friend. It was in the form of a skirt. The brown, pink and cream combination along with the twist on a checker pattern drew me toward it.

I love the circular theme of this pattern. It is almost sort of spiral-like and also scale-like. I found this on a gift bag at World Market.

I like the sketchiness of this one. The color combination caught my attention. I also particularly enjoy the diamond like shape that it forms. I found this pattern on a scarf at World Market.

This pattern is so girly and floral. I was drawn to it because I love how dainty it appears. I found this on a scarf at World Market as well.

I love the simplicity of this one. The pointed section that keeps the pattern from being just stripes. I found this on a shower curtain. The earth tones also drew to this piece.

I like the organized chaos of this pattern. The circles of lighter colors blend well with the random array of shapes that seamlessly fit together to form the design. This one was also on a shower curtain. It sort of gives off a tribal kind of feel which drew me toward it.

I like how big this pattern is. The shapes themselves are very detailed and then are used repeatedly to create a larger picture. I love the detail a lot and I think that is what drew me toward this pattern. It is a nice balance of detail and overall simplicity. This was on a shower curtain as well.

I love how geometric this one is. It is very organized yet interesting. The pattern overall is simple but guides the eye all over the place as it forms patterns and shapes. This was on a lamp shade.

I find myself being drawn to patterns similar to these. I love how the varying colors create a step-like pattern that gives off a diamond shape. The different parts of this pattern are intriguing as well because they share similar qualities (diamond like shape with step-like lines around it) but look like entirely different objects. This was a chair covering that I found.

This is a woven wooden basket that I found. I love how even in 2D form it looks slightly 3D with the parts that a woven on the outside. For me this creates a nice pattern that again is a twist on the traditional checkered look. The varying exposure to light in certain areas really makes the pattern interesting as well. Also, the spaces in between the outer woven pieces is simple with it's two vertical lines. I enjoy this one a lot.