Monday, April 18, 2011


While reading Asumi's blog, her post on Krabat really caught my attention. I loved how she described the company's mission and she really seemed touched by what they do. In class Gabe talked about design in the medical field which is something I have never even thought of. I think that these wheelchairs help to lead the way for more medical design in the future.

On Avi's blog, I thought his Designer Investigation post on the Indus culture was very interesting. I never would have thought to examine design from a time period so far from where we are now. I remember learning about the Indus in high school and thinking the same thing, how they had such a great system. Overall I just really love how we can analyze this from a design perspective not just appreciate it as history.

I liked Crystal's post on Jonathan Ive. I completely agree with her when she says "Apple is a prolific brand that consistently churns out innovative products that are unmatched in popularity and innovation." I too am in awe of Ive's work and the fact that he has been a part of the "Apple revolution." One can only hope that someday their work will be that useful and appreciated all over.

Lastly, on Kristian's blog, his Designer Investigation post caught my attention. Specifically his writing on Porsche was intriguing because of the name. I did not realize that he actually designed the Volkswagen Beetle and that he designed it in addition to all of the Porsche hype!

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