Sunday, April 24, 2011


The last four classes have been a continuation of expansion on my thoughts of design. I loved learning about the design process on April 11th. I had never considered the concrete process that takes place nor have I identified every detail that must occur for a product to be finished. The branching type is really intriguing and I really love how in every aspect of design we are constantly going back and revising and trying to make our final product the best that it can be. I am all about that and I truly admire the thought that everything can be made new. Accessibility design is another aspect that never crossed my mind. Honestly I only ever breezed by those curb cuts knowing that they were for people in wheelchairs. I had never considered the placement of them and how much that has an effect on people's experiences. This is not only through an architectural lens but also in the beneficial products themselves. I loved the Hot Wheels video we watched in addition to our notes. The woman in the video was so moved by the opportunities the wheelchair design presented her with. Who knew that design can have a deep human impact? This is something I have learned that makes me love design even more. The fact that design is so much more than making things look pretty and unique or sleek and simple; it is ultimately for a meaningful human purpose on every level.

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