Monday, April 18, 2011


This book really takes design to a place I never knew it was. It explores design as a concept of many different meanings. On page two Heskett says "It affects everyone in every detail of every aspect of what they do throughout each day." I never realized the true and powerful impact that design possesses. Most of the world looks at design as an art or just a pretty way of presenting something. Even though I have always been interested in design I never realized the underlying reason why I am. It is because I desire to simplify presentation in a way that makes the function of whatever is being designed the optimum design it can be. There are so many ideas to delve into behind the broad term of "design." Chapter three talks about utility and significance, I had never realized that little minute details can carry so much purpose i.e. the Japanese toothpick. Also while reading these assigned chapters I realized the importance of the designer and consumer relationship. If the designer does not design with the consumer in mind, whatever it is that they are designing will ultimately fail. In order to have success one must take the consumer into total consideration (in all breadths of design). I enjoyed in chapter four when Heskett discussed the potential of design as an innovative role while giving consumers what they never knew they wanted. I desire to be that kind of designer.

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