Monday, May 9, 2011


The last few classes have gotten me super excited to pursue a design major. Everything the major teaches and stands for is exactly what I want to learn about. The crazy thing is that I am just now realizing that because of this class and the speakers that we have had as of late. The organization of information to it's simple and most efficient form is what I love. I realized that I have always thought this way in my everyday life and even when I would be designing newsmagazine pages or the set up of my english papers. It is crazy to think that that is what my major is all about...something I love doing and I did not even know! After the Design Circle (a group that I definitely plan on getting involved with) and Cobega presentations I was real pumped. Hearing them talk about the major concreted the thought that design is a meaningful thing to study because I can make an important impact with it. For awhile I had been questioning whether or not I would really be doing anything important with this major (dumb thought I know...). I loved hearing about how the speakers came to be interested in design and what they are doing with it now. It was really encouraging to hear them talk about their processes of getting in! Specifically I enjoyed listening to their take on what is good and bad to do with the exam, when exactly they applied and the almost guarantee of getting in when you are dedicated. I am definitely nervous about this whole process but more so excited knowing their "testimonies" on the subject. I look forward to a day where maybe I am giving a presentation to an Intro to Design class!

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