Monday, May 2, 2011


I enjoyed reading Asumi's thoughts about logos on her RR02 post. She talks about the huge influence a simple logo can have. She brought up the fact that audiences do not even look past the logo itself and analyze the simplicity of it or anything. I find this interesting because it shows how we just take things as they are. This thought makes me appreciate the design realm because who knows what we would take as is without it.

While looking at Avi's post on letters I noticed that the "Y" picture was taken right in front of my house! He did a good job of finding letters in things!

Crystal's RR02 post was very intriguing. I never realized that most products were made of harmful materials either. I also appreciate the turn from Industrial Revolution ramifications toward environmentally friendly change in society.

I love how in Kristian's RR02 post he talks about the clarity of products intentional usage and analyzes our road system in that. I appreciate his admiration of my blog!

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