Sunday, May 15, 2011


While looking at Asumi's blog, I loved the end of her CR03 post where she says "now it seems like by studying design, I will be able to think in a more diverse way and I bet that skill will definitely come in handy in any field of study." I totally agree! I think that the design program is a kind of it's own. The skills that they proclaim to teach will be useful even in simple everyday thinking.

Avi's RR02 post took design to a cultural level. He discussed the correlation between the foundation of a building and of a people. I love how in design things can be looked at like this with humanity in mind.

Crystal's RR03 post was fun to read and understand her take on the readings. I enjoy how she challenges what she is reading when she says "The only issue I have with these great ideas is that they are just ideas. They make it seem like its an easy fix but nothing of that scale has actually been done." When we read things like this our response should be to challenge the thought.

In Kristian's RR03 post it is fun to hear about his country's environmental state and also his thoughts on the topic in general. It is crazy to reflect on how selfish companies and humans are now without even considering the ramifications their actions will eventually reveal.

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