During our time together in class my team tried to narrow down the tasks at hand. We would clarify our thoughts on things and divvy up the work load among one another. With the rubric in hand we went through each point making sure to cover all of our bases in a very obvious way. We split up the work and the parts to actually present by the subtopics given in the rubric. Thankfully everyone was pretty open as to what specific part they would take on in the project. Whoever could offer the most to the subtopic took that and ran with it.
For our project I took on the presentation. I was intrigued by Prezi and eager to learn how to use it. While discussing our product and brainstorming throughout the whole process I did my best to have a simple mindset. I tried to urge the team on in this way and constantly question every idea we came up with so that we could eventually stumble upon the best of the batch. I feel like I could have developed the details of the product and the Prezi more in order to fully convey our product. Overall, I feel as though the project turned out very well with what resources and time we had.
my contributions:
- the Prezi itself is on it's own blog post titled A05
- these are the sketches that were used in our kiosk description

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