Tuesday, May 31, 2011
I enjoyed our last classes together and getting to see what all of the groups came up with. It was so interesting to see different skills people had and how they applied them to the project. I love how we were all given the same assignment and took it in entirely alternative directions. It was even neat to see the different styles that were used with Prezi. I nerdily liked observing the variety of takes on the program. Overall it was super fun to have a mini taste on what a real life project like this might look like and to be reminded of the infinite possibilities a collaborative group of people can come up with.
I love how in Chapter 9 of Heskett it talks about the context of design. Specifically on page 119 where it refers to "macro-design policies for the development and promotion of design as an important factor in national economic planning for industrial competitiveness." Who knew design could have such an impact on an entire nation? I have stated it time and time again but I love the realization that design is a huge part of how the world functions. It is a wonderful viewpoint and has the ability to translate into every aspect it is applied to.
Design 200 was great. I truly enjoyed it. It was a class that I enjoyed going to because it got me all kinds of pumped to delve into the design major. I loved how the final project put everything we learned to practice. It was really awesome to learn about the major firsthand from current students and alumni in the current field. I seriously loved it...I'm not even trying to kiss butts. This class honestly confirmed that I am exactly where I want to be.
teammates for A05: Asumi, Avi, Crystal and Kristian
During our time together in class my team tried to narrow down the tasks at hand. We would clarify our thoughts on things and divvy up the work load among one another. With the rubric in hand we went through each point making sure to cover all of our bases in a very obvious way. We split up the work and the parts to actually present by the subtopics given in the rubric. Thankfully everyone was pretty open as to what specific part they would take on in the project. Whoever could offer the most to the subtopic took that and ran with it.
For our project I took on the presentation. I was intrigued by Prezi and eager to learn how to use it. While discussing our product and brainstorming throughout the whole process I did my best to have a simple mindset. I tried to urge the team on in this way and constantly question every idea we came up with so that we could eventually stumble upon the best of the batch. I feel like I could have developed the details of the product and the Prezi more in order to fully convey our product. Overall, I feel as though the project turned out very well with what resources and time we had.
my contributions:
- the Prezi itself is on it's own blog post titled A05
- these are the sketches that were used in our kiosk description

During our time together in class my team tried to narrow down the tasks at hand. We would clarify our thoughts on things and divvy up the work load among one another. With the rubric in hand we went through each point making sure to cover all of our bases in a very obvious way. We split up the work and the parts to actually present by the subtopics given in the rubric. Thankfully everyone was pretty open as to what specific part they would take on in the project. Whoever could offer the most to the subtopic took that and ran with it.
For our project I took on the presentation. I was intrigued by Prezi and eager to learn how to use it. While discussing our product and brainstorming throughout the whole process I did my best to have a simple mindset. I tried to urge the team on in this way and constantly question every idea we came up with so that we could eventually stumble upon the best of the batch. I feel like I could have developed the details of the product and the Prezi more in order to fully convey our product. Overall, I feel as though the project turned out very well with what resources and time we had.
my contributions:
- the Prezi itself is on it's own blog post titled A05
- these are the sketches that were used in our kiosk description

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The past four classes were entirely A05 centered. It was interesting to put to practice the different methods of thinking that we have learned over this course. In my mind, my group was to look like the team developing the shopping cart in the video we watched in class. I found, however, that this was a hard process! Coming up with ideas that matter as well as fix problems presented quite the conundrum. It was hard to think of ideas in general and then even harder to develop and move forward with them. As we proceeded with our work it became easier to further our thought process into a tangible notion. Throughout the development of our project it was neat to see how it all came together in the end. I am thankful for this opportunity that forced us to apply our newfound knowledge of the design process. I look forward to expanding my experience in this.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Color is a fascinating idea. One's mind can tangle into endless thoughts if they start to dwell on it for too long. It is essential to a sundry of things we experience daily - one of these being design. Color is used to set a hierarchy. With color a designer can guide the eye and represent certain things in our culture. Color is so necessary that even it's absence draws attention. Constantly we find that color can influence our moods and feelings; color is powerful. We use color in branding and marketing and find its use to be a factor of success. Color is recognizable and memorable. As humans we seek it out. The relationship between design and color is one not to be ignored.

1 | This infographic displays the cultural significance of different colors in different cultures. While looking through information on this topic I never realized how varying our meanings of color are throughout the world. For example, in Eastern culture red is worn by brides but in the Western culture red is associated with anger, blood and danger.
2 | I explored the realm of gender associations with color and stumbled upon this infographic displaying a study on the topic. This study found that both genders love blue and hate orange and brown. It discussed how men entirely dislike purple and looked at the detailed perception of color from women compared to men's generalization of color. This information is pretty interesting and could be taken into account when marketing, branding and designing for certain audiences and purposes.
3 | I found this website that lets you explore color interactions first hand. Josef Albers, a Bauhaus student, studied this topic.
4 | This book argues that chromophobia is starting to take over Western culture. I have never heard of this fear before and it would certainly be interesting to try and understand how this could fit in with the relationship between design and color.
5 | This video is not necessarily about color but it displays color relationships through animation. One could also experience how color affects emotions while watching this short.
Color is a fascinating idea. One's mind can tangle into endless thoughts if they start to dwell on it for too long. It is essential to a sundry of things we experience daily - one of these being design. Color is used to set a hierarchy. With color a designer can guide the eye and represent certain things in our culture. Color is so necessary that even it's absence draws attention. Constantly we find that color can influence our moods and feelings; color is powerful. We use color in branding and marketing and find its use to be a factor of success. Color is recognizable and memorable. As humans we seek it out. The relationship between design and color is one not to be ignored.

1 | This infographic displays the cultural significance of different colors in different cultures. While looking through information on this topic I never realized how varying our meanings of color are throughout the world. For example, in Eastern culture red is worn by brides but in the Western culture red is associated with anger, blood and danger.
2 | I explored the realm of gender associations with color and stumbled upon this infographic displaying a study on the topic. This study found that both genders love blue and hate orange and brown. It discussed how men entirely dislike purple and looked at the detailed perception of color from women compared to men's generalization of color. This information is pretty interesting and could be taken into account when marketing, branding and designing for certain audiences and purposes.
3 | I found this website that lets you explore color interactions first hand. Josef Albers, a Bauhaus student, studied this topic.
4 | This book argues that chromophobia is starting to take over Western culture. I have never heard of this fear before and it would certainly be interesting to try and understand how this could fit in with the relationship between design and color.
5 | This video is not necessarily about color but it displays color relationships through animation. One could also experience how color affects emotions while watching this short.
Monday, May 16, 2011
While reading through Cradle to Cradle, I loved how in Chapter 6 it talks about what we can do now with this information. The process of change includes figuring out what positives we can substitute for the negatives without entirely altering our original goal. First we need to identify these areas then we need to actively pursue their progress. Lastly we need to reinvent the product or process entirely to alter the innate negative outcomes to be completely positive. The scheme of this is encouraging and exciting. Acknowledging the problem and then diligently seeking out a beneficial alternative can only create an innovative and progressive future.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
While looking at Asumi's blog, I loved the end of her CR03 post where she says "now it seems like by studying design, I will be able to think in a more diverse way and I bet that skill will definitely come in handy in any field of study." I totally agree! I think that the design program is a kind of it's own. The skills that they proclaim to teach will be useful even in simple everyday thinking.
Avi's RR02 post took design to a cultural level. He discussed the correlation between the foundation of a building and of a people. I love how in design things can be looked at like this with humanity in mind.
Crystal's RR03 post was fun to read and understand her take on the readings. I enjoy how she challenges what she is reading when she says "The only issue I have with these great ideas is that they are just ideas. They make it seem like its an easy fix but nothing of that scale has actually been done." When we read things like this our response should be to challenge the thought.
In Kristian's RR03 post it is fun to hear about his country's environmental state and also his thoughts on the topic in general. It is crazy to reflect on how selfish companies and humans are now without even considering the ramifications their actions will eventually reveal.
Avi's RR02 post took design to a cultural level. He discussed the correlation between the foundation of a building and of a people. I love how in design things can be looked at like this with humanity in mind.
Crystal's RR03 post was fun to read and understand her take on the readings. I enjoy how she challenges what she is reading when she says "The only issue I have with these great ideas is that they are just ideas. They make it seem like its an easy fix but nothing of that scale has actually been done." When we read things like this our response should be to challenge the thought.
In Kristian's RR03 post it is fun to hear about his country's environmental state and also his thoughts on the topic in general. It is crazy to reflect on how selfish companies and humans are now without even considering the ramifications their actions will eventually reveal.
Monday, May 9, 2011
The last few classes have gotten me super excited to pursue a design major. Everything the major teaches and stands for is exactly what I want to learn about. The crazy thing is that I am just now realizing that because of this class and the speakers that we have had as of late. The organization of information to it's simple and most efficient form is what I love. I realized that I have always thought this way in my everyday life and even when I would be designing newsmagazine pages or the set up of my english papers. It is crazy to think that that is what my major is all about...something I love doing and I did not even know! After the Design Circle (a group that I definitely plan on getting involved with) and Cobega presentations I was real pumped. Hearing them talk about the major concreted the thought that design is a meaningful thing to study because I can make an important impact with it. For awhile I had been questioning whether or not I would really be doing anything important with this major (dumb thought I know...). I loved hearing about how the speakers came to be interested in design and what they are doing with it now. It was really encouraging to hear them talk about their processes of getting in! Specifically I enjoyed listening to their take on what is good and bad to do with the exam, when exactly they applied and the almost guarantee of getting in when you are dedicated. I am definitely nervous about this whole process but more so excited knowing their "testimonies" on the subject. I look forward to a day where maybe I am giving a presentation to an Intro to Design class!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
links for outdoor products:
1 | http://www.rei.com/
2 | http://www.gandermountain.com/
3 | http://www.cabelas.com/
4 | http://www.llbean.com/
5 | http://www.coleman.com/coleman/home.asp
outdoor trade show / exhibition booths:

links for indoor products:
1 | http://www.homegoods.com/index.asp?panel=discover
2 | http://www.thegreatindoors.com/
3 | http://www.potterybarn.com/
4 | http://www.pier1.com/
5 | http://www.ikea.com/us/en/
indoor trade show / exhibition booths:

indoor home good: any object that accentuates home living
possible home goods:

1 | http://www.rei.com/
2 | http://www.gandermountain.com/
3 | http://www.cabelas.com/
4 | http://www.llbean.com/
5 | http://www.coleman.com/coleman/home.asp
outdoor trade show / exhibition booths:

links for indoor products:
1 | http://www.homegoods.com/index.asp?panel=discover
2 | http://www.thegreatindoors.com/
3 | http://www.potterybarn.com/
4 | http://www.pier1.com/
5 | http://www.ikea.com/us/en/
indoor trade show / exhibition booths:

indoor home good: any object that accentuates home living
possible home goods:

Monday, May 2, 2011
In Chapter 7, Heskett talks about identity. I love how he states that "it can be a deliberate attempt by individuals and organizations, even nations, to create a particular image and meaning intended to shape, even pre-empt, what others perceive and understand." (84) This idea leads us to think beyond "who we are" whether it be an individual or an organization. I saw this thought take form when Heskett was talking about FedEx and how the company name transformed to a verb in itself. The simplicity of the term led to the logo and represented the purpose and intentions of the company in the most efficient way. The introduction to Cradle to Cradle was also quite a new thought to consider. I had never heard of everyday items containing subliminal harmful chemicals and materials. This is a scary thought because it refers to everything that I interact with everyday without thinking of the ramifications they might present. This book spurs on radical ideas that cause us to consider and implement new ways that will strengthen the relationships between humans, products and the environment.
I enjoyed reading Asumi's thoughts about logos on her RR02 post. She talks about the huge influence a simple logo can have. She brought up the fact that audiences do not even look past the logo itself and analyze the simplicity of it or anything. I find this interesting because it shows how we just take things as they are. This thought makes me appreciate the design realm because who knows what we would take as is without it.
While looking at Avi's post on letters I noticed that the "Y" picture was taken right in front of my house! He did a good job of finding letters in things!
Crystal's RR02 post was very intriguing. I never realized that most products were made of harmful materials either. I also appreciate the turn from Industrial Revolution ramifications toward environmentally friendly change in society.
I love how in Kristian's RR02 post he talks about the clarity of products intentional usage and analyzes our road system in that. I appreciate his admiration of my blog!
While looking at Avi's post on letters I noticed that the "Y" picture was taken right in front of my house! He did a good job of finding letters in things!
Crystal's RR02 post was very intriguing. I never realized that most products were made of harmful materials either. I also appreciate the turn from Industrial Revolution ramifications toward environmentally friendly change in society.
I love how in Kristian's RR02 post he talks about the clarity of products intentional usage and analyzes our road system in that. I appreciate his admiration of my blog!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Our team of 6's worked flawlessly together. We began our journey buckled down in the classroom trying to figure out our game plan before departing. We split up the clues between ourselves and utilized our resources as we searched for the answers to our clues using our phones and laptops. Then we created a strategy that was undoubtably the most efficient way of completing the task at hand. Following are the clues themselves in the order completed.
Clue 03

The Wexner Center was designed by Peter Eisenman. The design of the building includes a white metal grid (suggesting scaffolding) that compliments Eisenman's deconstructivist likes. Crystal, Asumi and I admire the building from afar.
Clue 05

Pictured is Kristian in front of the Thompson Library. This building was designed by Acock & Associates. The library has been renovated and expanded three times since it was originally built.
Clue 04

The Mathematics Tower is one of two buildings on campus designed by Philip Johnson. My group found the curvatures and layered brick to be very architecturally intriguing.
Clue 01

This is the infamous Barcelona Chair designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Mies began his architectural work as an apprentice of Peter Behrens.
Clue 02

Here we have Kristian lounging in the UP1 Armchair designed by Gaetano Pesce. He reads Azure magazine. This chair is simply stretched fabric over foam and rubber valuing between $1,500 to $2,000.
Mad props to Avi for the high quality photos.
Clue 03

The Wexner Center was designed by Peter Eisenman. The design of the building includes a white metal grid (suggesting scaffolding) that compliments Eisenman's deconstructivist likes. Crystal, Asumi and I admire the building from afar.
Clue 05

Pictured is Kristian in front of the Thompson Library. This building was designed by Acock & Associates. The library has been renovated and expanded three times since it was originally built.
Clue 04

The Mathematics Tower is one of two buildings on campus designed by Philip Johnson. My group found the curvatures and layered brick to be very architecturally intriguing.
Clue 01

This is the infamous Barcelona Chair designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Mies began his architectural work as an apprentice of Peter Behrens.
Clue 02

Here we have Kristian lounging in the UP1 Armchair designed by Gaetano Pesce. He reads Azure magazine. This chair is simply stretched fabric over foam and rubber valuing between $1,500 to $2,000.
Mad props to Avi for the high quality photos.
The last four classes have been a continuation of expansion on my thoughts of design. I loved learning about the design process on April 11th. I had never considered the concrete process that takes place nor have I identified every detail that must occur for a product to be finished. The branching type is really intriguing and I really love how in every aspect of design we are constantly going back and revising and trying to make our final product the best that it can be. I am all about that and I truly admire the thought that everything can be made new. Accessibility design is another aspect that never crossed my mind. Honestly I only ever breezed by those curb cuts knowing that they were for people in wheelchairs. I had never considered the placement of them and how much that has an effect on people's experiences. This is not only through an architectural lens but also in the beneficial products themselves. I loved the Hot Wheels video we watched in addition to our notes. The woman in the video was so moved by the opportunities the wheelchair design presented her with. Who knew that design can have a deep human impact? This is something I have learned that makes me love design even more. The fact that design is so much more than making things look pretty and unique or sleek and simple; it is ultimately for a meaningful human purpose on every level.
Monday, April 18, 2011
This book really takes design to a place I never knew it was. It explores design as a concept of many different meanings. On page two Heskett says "It affects everyone in every detail of every aspect of what they do throughout each day." I never realized the true and powerful impact that design possesses. Most of the world looks at design as an art or just a pretty way of presenting something. Even though I have always been interested in design I never realized the underlying reason why I am. It is because I desire to simplify presentation in a way that makes the function of whatever is being designed the optimum design it can be. There are so many ideas to delve into behind the broad term of "design." Chapter three talks about utility and significance, I had never realized that little minute details can carry so much purpose i.e. the Japanese toothpick. Also while reading these assigned chapters I realized the importance of the designer and consumer relationship. If the designer does not design with the consumer in mind, whatever it is that they are designing will ultimately fail. In order to have success one must take the consumer into total consideration (in all breadths of design). I enjoyed in chapter four when Heskett discussed the potential of design as an innovative role while giving consumers what they never knew they wanted. I desire to be that kind of designer.
While reading Asumi's blog, her post on Krabat really caught my attention. I loved how she described the company's mission and she really seemed touched by what they do. In class Gabe talked about design in the medical field which is something I have never even thought of. I think that these wheelchairs help to lead the way for more medical design in the future.
On Avi's blog, I thought his Designer Investigation post on the Indus culture was very interesting. I never would have thought to examine design from a time period so far from where we are now. I remember learning about the Indus in high school and thinking the same thing, how they had such a great system. Overall I just really love how we can analyze this from a design perspective not just appreciate it as history.
I liked Crystal's post on Jonathan Ive. I completely agree with her when she says "Apple is a prolific brand that consistently churns out innovative products that are unmatched in popularity and innovation." I too am in awe of Ive's work and the fact that he has been a part of the "Apple revolution." One can only hope that someday their work will be that useful and appreciated all over.
Lastly, on Kristian's blog, his Designer Investigation post caught my attention. Specifically his writing on Porsche was intriguing because of the name. I did not realize that he actually designed the Volkswagen Beetle and that he designed it in addition to all of the Porsche hype!
On Avi's blog, I thought his Designer Investigation post on the Indus culture was very interesting. I never would have thought to examine design from a time period so far from where we are now. I remember learning about the Indus in high school and thinking the same thing, how they had such a great system. Overall I just really love how we can analyze this from a design perspective not just appreciate it as history.
I liked Crystal's post on Jonathan Ive. I completely agree with her when she says "Apple is a prolific brand that consistently churns out innovative products that are unmatched in popularity and innovation." I too am in awe of Ive's work and the fact that he has been a part of the "Apple revolution." One can only hope that someday their work will be that useful and appreciated all over.
Lastly, on Kristian's blog, his Designer Investigation post caught my attention. Specifically his writing on Porsche was intriguing because of the name. I did not realize that he actually designed the Volkswagen Beetle and that he designed it in addition to all of the Porsche hype!
Saturday, April 16, 2011

- "Michael Graves." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 6 Apr. 2011. Web. 16 Apr. 2011.
- MICHAEL GRAVES & ASSOCIATES. 2010. Web. 16 Apr. 2011.
- "James Dyson." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 11 Apr. 2011. Web. 16 Apr. 2011.

- "Jan Tschichold – Typographic Genius | Retinart." Retinart - Reflections on the Joyous Elegance of Graphic Design and Creative Thought. 2009. Web. 16 Apr. 2011.
Monday, April 11, 2011

I found this particular specimen in the closet of my best friend. It was in the form of a skirt. The brown, pink and cream combination along with the twist on a checker pattern drew me toward it.

I love the circular theme of this pattern. It is almost sort of spiral-like and also scale-like. I found this on a gift bag at World Market.

I like the sketchiness of this one. The color combination caught my attention. I also particularly enjoy the diamond like shape that it forms. I found this pattern on a scarf at World Market.

This pattern is so girly and floral. I was drawn to it because I love how dainty it appears. I found this on a scarf at World Market as well.

I love the simplicity of this one. The pointed section that keeps the pattern from being just stripes. I found this on a shower curtain. The earth tones also drew to this piece.

I like the organized chaos of this pattern. The circles of lighter colors blend well with the random array of shapes that seamlessly fit together to form the design. This one was also on a shower curtain. It sort of gives off a tribal kind of feel which drew me toward it.

I like how big this pattern is. The shapes themselves are very detailed and then are used repeatedly to create a larger picture. I love the detail a lot and I think that is what drew me toward this pattern. It is a nice balance of detail and overall simplicity. This was on a shower curtain as well.

I love how geometric this one is. It is very organized yet interesting. The pattern overall is simple but guides the eye all over the place as it forms patterns and shapes. This was on a lamp shade.

I find myself being drawn to patterns similar to these. I love how the varying colors create a step-like pattern that gives off a diamond shape. The different parts of this pattern are intriguing as well because they share similar qualities (diamond like shape with step-like lines around it) but look like entirely different objects. This was a chair covering that I found.

This is a woven wooden basket that I found. I love how even in 2D form it looks slightly 3D with the parts that a woven on the outside. For me this creates a nice pattern that again is a twist on the traditional checkered look. The varying exposure to light in certain areas really makes the pattern interesting as well. Also, the spaces in between the outer woven pieces is simple with it's two vertical lines. I enjoy this one a lot.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
So far I have thoroughly enjoyed this class. I have been learning so much; my mind has been stretched to think abstractly and it is only approaching the third week. The historical overview was very intriguing and it is crazy that Gabe said they would be the most boring notes in class! Design is so different than what everyone always assumes it is. From the historical overview I realized that design is in everything and it has evolved from such a variety of ideas. Specifically from that lecture I think of the evolution of the chair. Never have I ever taken that aspect of design into regard. Who knew that chairs are so uniquely and intentionally designed? The class Tuesday where we visited the FIN and ARC libraries was were my mind really started to get blown. The first book I picked up in the FIN library was a collection of everything that I long to do with design. It was so fun to realize that and get a taste of the knowledge that I have never even thought to explore. Looking at books and magazines and even walking around campus with Gabe talking about architecture opened up a whole new world to me...cheesy as it sounds. I have never given architecture even a thought but that day I was so observant and eager to hear more about how and why these buildings on campus were built the way they are. This day in class put a desire to know and delve into so much more about design in the way that I think and look at things in my life. These thoughts translated into our next class were we talked more about the specific breadths of design. I was so interested in all of them, realizing my naivety in concentrating only on Visual Communications. I loved learning a bit of the "staples" of design. Topics like symbol v. icon and sans v. sans serif. I also undoubtedly enjoyed the bit on Paul Rand. I desire to know more designers and their work. All of this taken into consideration makes me excited to see how the things I am being exposed to and learning will correlate with my relationship with design.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
A01 | J01
Hello hello! My name is Aggie Gerhardt. I am a freshman at OSU. I lead YoungLife in the Greater Columbus Area. Even though it is grandma-y, sometimes I like to knit a little something up. My favorite candies are those Sour Patch Kids watermelon things. I thoroughly enjoy music in the background of everything. And lastly, choreographed dance is my downfall.
I am looking to major in Visual Communication Design but I am open to minoring if I am not accepted into the program . I was a designer on my high school's newsmagazine and I loved every minute of it...like, I was nerd-ily obsessed. This sparked my interest in this particular major and I have been trying to figure out how to learn more about design ever since. I went to a preparatory meeting put on by students already in the major to help out with the exam. They advised that I take Design 201 right away to get my drawing skills in shape and then that I take 200 before the end of my freshman year. So, here I am! And I am looking forward to a class that is entirely about something I am interested in.
I am looking to major in Visual Communication Design but I am open to minoring if I am not accepted into the program . I was a designer on my high school's newsmagazine and I loved every minute of it...like, I was nerd-ily obsessed. This sparked my interest in this particular major and I have been trying to figure out how to learn more about design ever since. I went to a preparatory meeting put on by students already in the major to help out with the exam. They advised that I take Design 201 right away to get my drawing skills in shape and then that I take 200 before the end of my freshman year. So, here I am! And I am looking forward to a class that is entirely about something I am interested in.
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